Marknadsinformation i Sverige AB (Sweden) Listed below are the names of companies and individuals whose cash contributions covered the costs for translation into English, editing of the raw, translated text and conversion of the whole into the Firebird Project’s standard DocBook 4 documentation source format. Configuring IoC Containers for Dependency Injection Creating an Application with jOOQ and Spring MVC

Creating Controllers and Configuring Routing Choosing a Framework for Building a Web Application Developing Web Applications with PHP and Firebird Creating the Controller for the Customer Interface Preparing Visual Studio 2015 for Firebird Work Creating Web Applications in Entity Framework with MVC Setting Up for Firebird in Visual Studio 2015

Developing Firebird Applications with Microsoft Entity Framework Using a RETURNING Clause to Acquire an Autoinc Value Configuring the Customer Module for Editing Connection Parameters in a Configuration File Developing Firebird Applications in Delphi About the Firebird Developer’s Guide: for Firebird 3.0